
Organic Eggs Are Valuable Addition To Healthy Diet

Eggs are the Answer, Not the Enemy
by Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist (NaturalNews)

For years we've been listening to top health experts advising us to eliminate eggs from our diet. At the very most, they say, eat only three eggs a week. Any more would simply wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. And of course all of this is starkly animated in television commercials showing regular egg consumers collapsing of violent heart attacks in the street.

Does that sound like cookie-cutter propaganda to you? There is some logic behind these claims: eggs contain cholesterol so they must surely raise cholesterol levels. This concept, however, is flawed and research is proving it to be so.In 2006, Dr. Maria Luz Hernandez of the University of Connecticut's Department of Nutritional Sciences looked at the effect consuming eggs has on cholesterol levels. Her findings revealed that in two-thirds of people, consuming 2-3 eggs per day had virtually no effect on serum cholesterol levels. In the other one-third of people, both HDL and LDL levels rose equally, and the increase in LDL was due to particles simply getting bigger, not more numerous.

This type of rise in serum cholesterol levels actually does little to increase a person's risk for health problems such as heart attacks.

Once you get past the assumption that eggs are terrible for you, there is room to discover the myriad of health benefits that come with eating them regularly.
  • Eggs are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals in forms that can be easily absorbed. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K in addition to iron, zinc, lecithin and choline. All of these help contribute to brain function, a healthy metabolism and disease prevention.
  • Eggs are also a great source of protein, especially for those who don't consume very much meat. It can be difficult to obtain all of the essential amino acids - the ones our bodies can't produce - if you eat a diet mostly based in grains.
  • An egg contains each of the nine essential amino acids, making it a top source for these nutrients.

Of course, all eggs are not created equal. Commercial eggs are a nutritionally poor substitute for organic, free-range eggs. Chickens that are allowed to roam free provide eggs with a higher protein and vitamin content, while organic practices mean harmful pesticides and chemicals won't find their way into your breakfast.

You can also look for eggs that contain higher levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids. These come from chickens that have been fed a special diet high in those healthy omega-3s.

If you've been afraid to commit nutritional sacrilege by enjoying a tasty omelet in the morning or a boiled egg for an afternoon snack, set your fears aside and relish in the wholesome goodness of one of mother nature's best gifts.



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